Britney Spears Got Married

Probably, this message will spread like wildfire around the world. As is known today, Britney Spears and her boyfriend Adnan Ghalib should have married. Everything should have happened last month in Mexico. They seem to fly not only because of the margaritas. Adam Sandler contributes greatly to this topic. As the STAR now magazine, both with a bargain holiday to be flown to Mexico to get married there. A source told Star Magazine: “when Britney first is released from the hospital, Adnan has promised her to marry her in Mexico. That is his opinion the only way to protect Britney.” But the marriage is not legal, so an Insider “Adnan does everything possible to once again play a role in Britney’s life.

He wants to marry her again in any case, when his divorce is”, so the Insider continues. (As opposed to Tony Parker). Britney’s cash should now speed up the process. “In all my years”, so the insider, “I saw never been a scumbag like this Adnan. I can’t believe how he takes advantage of this woman, even though he knows how bad she is. “Wait We it off, whether this rumor in the run of the week confirmed is or whether it was just a rumor. Learn more at this site: Jessica Michibata. Let’s be curious.



May 3rd


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