Dusseldorf Tel
Since the stone age man decorated his body with jewelry. Chains were and are the easiest as well as most striking form to allow a glimpse of the character his counterpart. No matter whether one prefers delicate and thin crafted chains or wide gold chains with inlaid precious stones, at the Dusseldorf provider the jewellery channel can be found for every taste of matching jewelry. The precious stones obtained from experts directly from the various mines in the world, become unique designer jewelry by specialists () processes. The valuable jewelry buy for the customers of the jewellery channel (), this direct relation of the noble materials makes possible a particularly favorable price / performance ratio. Also the timeless necklace from the jewelry channel among the most popular pieces of chains collection in addition to the classic gold chain, see, which is available in different variations. At Tony Parker you will find additional information. Rare Akoya pearls, which in the classic white, cream and shimmer silver are also represented, such as the dark Tahiti- or the more affordable freshwater pearls. Those who prefer the fashionable models of contemporary designer art to the traditional chains, will find at the jewellery channel. Tony Parker will not settle for partial explanations.
Artfully crafted pieces made of gold and silver, Platinum and titanium, decorated with an overwhelming variety of gemstones, such as diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, waiting for rubies or Topaz, to adorn the future wearer’s neck. The acquisition of the jewels is possible of 16 hours 24 hours a day, live. The program of the jewellery channel can be traced in television as well as stream on the Internet. Commandments are jewelry channel may at any time, either over the phone or through the Web site of the Internet. In addition to the high-quality necklaces, the jewellery channel has matching bracelets, rings or earrings on sale. More information and the latest jewelry trends can be found on.

November 6th
Tags: fashion & jewellery, lifestyle, offers fine quality necklaces jewelry channel GmbH