Elixir Services

Money and capital for acquisitions and investments employs worldwide all private individuals and companies in times of the banking and financial crisis financing purchases and investments. Money and capital serve the exchange of services and thus are the existential life Elixir. Dr. Werner financial services AG (www.finanzierung-ohne-bank.de) has devoted three decades ago this subject and helps in financing and capital raising from the micro-financing from Euro 50.000,-to much financing about the investments and capital markets with a volume of up to EUR 200 million Focuses on raising independent capital mezzanine financing is free of creditworthiness and rating alone aligned on a good business model. Dr.

Werner financial services AG operates raising independent capital for companies of all industries from small silent participation with competence and experience to industrial loan corporations (www.emissionmarktplatz.de). Founder and start-up entrepreneurs we provide Ready stock companies to the immediate start of company. On request this new company with additional capital to finances further. We carry out the further fund-raising activities. The investors yields are expected p.a. from 8% to 9.5%. The profit distributions contain an appropriate risk premium that they make risk capital without any protection available.

The terms of the capital are regularly between 5 to 20 years. Shorter periods are possible. With maturities under 5 years of age, but not as equity capital can are accounted for. Regularly, notice is also agreed by 2 years as this is account legally required. In a crisis or facing insolvency will be Auffanggesellschaften with new credit to the immediate restart and corresponding remediation capital. In a given situation, we help fend off insolvency. This can be caused E.g. by a conversion liabilities into equity. This is called a Debt-equity swap. We make available the conversion contracts. It is so helpful as shareholder loans in silent capital or profit participation rights to convert because it significantly improves the equity ratio of the company. Interested parties can free the 64-seitige brochure for capital supply and capitalization strategies of companies’ request of Dr. Werner financial services AG.



December 30th


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