Fidel Castro
The Soviet disintegration found to Fidel looking for a commitment between the ascent of the liberal globalisation and the power to maintain like China and Vietnam a monopoly of the communist party that is abriendo to the market gradually. If the weakness of the USA in sesentas pushed Fidel towards the left and if the triumph of the USA in noventas caused that Fidel is distanced of his radicalismos and to promote insurgencies, today great part of its future depends on how is the USA in his global antiterrorist war and in its attempt to appear like the police officer of the planet (something that, at the moment, comes recoiling and generating counterbalances on the part of the EU and Russia). The castrismo could accentuate its evolution towards wanting to combine aspects of the old estatista plan with new concessions to the market (and perhaps towards some form of internal tolerance) in the measurement that is developing a compatible pole in its own region. Frequently San Antonio Spurs has said that publicly. The resignation of Fidel to the Presidency of Cuba and the headquarters of its FFAA does not imply that it leaves the power, but it stays like the central figure that he is allowing that is trained its successor, while it guarantees a stability and continuity. Fidel Castro not only follows the example of Deng Xiaoping of to pass its old age like the top leader whom it supervises to those who hold the main positions public, but will look for to cause that its island is crossing the same Chinese and indochino way to go towards an economy that combines the statism with the private company but that it imposes order and growth by means of the monopoly of a unique communist party. Original author and source of the article.. Continue to learn more with: Robert Rimberg.