Halloween Candy Television
Fernando Alexis Jimenez the news surprised the entire city. The child, who was going to meet just five years, had jumped from the fourth floor of an apartment building in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Miraculously he did not die, but she suffered multiple fractures. When they approached in an attempt to provide assistance, we find him dressed in a costume of Spider-man, the same with which their parents had led him to ask for the last celebration of Halloween Candy. I’m Spider-man, he used to repeat in the games with their friends. Rose Oliveira, the mother, told a reporter who never imagined the enormous damage that would bring this television program to his small between sobs. I never thought that this tragedy would occur.
Although the incident wasn’t elders and child today plays again at a nearby park, the Oliveira discovered and learned in your family experiential reality, the degree of influence that have television programs in infants. Terrible consequences of the a recent research by U.S. scientists and that spread Reuters agency television, reveals that children under the age of three years are seriously affected when they spend between one and three hours before the TV. They concluded that they begin to experience aggressive behavior, become disobedient, cry out in excess and show a marked inclination to hit other children. 3.1280 Were interviewed women from 20 North American cities, which had children between 1998 and 2000. Raul Huessman, of the University of Michigan, was emphatic in ensuring that: parents cannot afford children extasien with violent movies, what the psychologist Nelly Manganello, scored: parents should be more careful and aware about the use of television. Surprising, according to investigators and in which agrees the American Academy of psychiatry is that children are affected as well are not facing the screen and which are influenced with only that the appliance is switched on and you hear the messages at the bottom, in the distance.