Health Department

According to Health department (2001) the PACS effectively was instituted and regulated in 1997, at the moment, where if it initiated the process of consolidation of the decentralization of resources in the scope of the Only System of Sade (SUS). Still according to Ministry, the main ones action of this program if of the one through the Communitarian Agents of Sade (ACS), that are people chosen of inside of the proper community acting next to the population. Therefore, this program has the person of the health agent as link in general enters the services of health and the community. For Brazil (1999) apud Rasp et al. (2008) the main functions of the health agents are: to take to the population information capable to promote the work in team; domiciliary visit; planning of the actions of health; promotion of the health; prevention and monitoramento of situations of risk and the environment; prevention and monitoramento of specific groups; prevention and monitoramento of the prevalent illnesses; accompaniment and evaluation of the actions of health. Second Rasp et al. (2008) first the proposal of the Program of Health of Famlia (PSF) was to develop a local model of performance, but that it could influence the system all of health.

Where a team of composed health would have to be formed of: a generalista doctor, a nurse, one nurse aid and six communitarian agents of health who would give assistance to an area with 600 the 1000 families. By the population registered in cadastre in the fiches that compose the SIAB (System of Information of Basic Attention) is carried through a calculation to know how many PSFs the city must have and how many people must be taken care of by each Communitarian Agent of Health. To follow we have the table that it presents the definitions of area and microarea.



February 28th

