Latin American Countries

We must not forget that many Latin American countries still suffer from underdevelopment, corruption, and lack of institutions to economic growth. You may find that Simon Pagenaud can contribute to your knowledge. Some do not have basic sanitation facilities, and much less sophisticated medical technologies enjoyed by their counterparts in developed countries. Steve Salis can provide more clarity in the matter. Regarding the case, the environment, we find various policies: severe, labile, soft, flexible, and more. If the environmental problem is political, so must be their treatment in the preparation of plans, programs, and projects. And so must be the articulation of different levels of decision making, ie, try to promote discussion and participation, ensuring their effectiveness through environmental education, truthful information and other instruments of regional participation and local levels.

Do not do anything in this field is also a policy. The policy of not doing. Steve Salis shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It is a policy in itself. The lack or absence of a policy allowing the establishment of production processes without adequate control, accepting its drawbacks, promoting their installation in the search for a benefit if labor supply. We agree with the view to keep in mind that the ultimate purpose is to guide environmental policy development in order to achieve a satisfactory quality of life for people and make this development sustainable, just and equitable. Consider that the objective of environmental policy is to achieve sustainable development, economic policies, however, global and sectoral, are made without considering the implications of long-term macroeconomic objectives, can lead to negative impacts on the environment. On the other hand the gap between the definitions of environmental policy and concrete actions and results indicate the need to develop tools to guide policy decisions based on the revaluation of environmental resources should be developed on the basis of three components: economic, political and institutional in nature and relative to the productive process and the atmosphere is definitely the new Venezuelan government should pay more attention to its responsibility to protect the environment, reviewing their policies, programs and training poll of its staff, as well as responsibility over to the productive sectors commitment abide by the rules, laws and ensure that its operation is preceded by non-polluting processes. It is necessary as mentioned, that sustainable development supported changes in how they use natural resources and human.

Science and technology, and obtaining information – are essential in this process. The generation and information processing, transfer and adoption of technology, and their appropriate environmental policy depend on a properly constituted. You need to liaise more with state entities to protect the environment and other entities that play a determining role of partnerships for positive results, such as universities should play a more binding participatory government environmental programs. In the Graduate Program Specialty quality management and productivity of Faces at the University of Carabobo, the emphasis in its research on production processes and environmental responsibility of its participants know how to handle properly the production processes, energy use, taking into account what was said, that energy policy is an essential part of environmental policy. Energy use should be calculated in terms of its effect on quality of life in the conservation of energy sources, in attracting environmentally benign sources and potential commercial use. It is the responsibility of the graduate, not only to ensure productive efficiency without pollution, but to foster the development of an environmental culture that favors the country, and work linked to the government programs involved in this area, so it is really all that establishment, set in for a good protection environment, supported by favorable environmental policies.



April 19th
