
1 Always reserve energy, that the road is long and learns to relax, nothing happens. Do not burn. Stop and enjoy the scenery. You get lots of pictures. Talk to people, you will have pleasant memories and learn things of the Earth that you visit. 2.

Don’t make too many plans. Things never go as you think them. At the most inopportune moment something will you fall, you will lose, happen anything that will force you to change plans. It is not that you’re a total anarchic, but I know flexible, let things go alone, you trust in Providence. At the end he does not usually go too wrong. Enjoy also the bad times.

Keep your eyes open to take advantage of the opportunities that will arise and ask for advice to residents about which sites to view. 3. The number ideal people to travel together, we think that it is four, by the following: It have to be a solitary, adventurous soul to dare to go alone. Many of the problems that you might have, although luckily we already have mobile phones. By the same author: George Laughlin Dallas. And on top you have to charge you with everything. Two they are few people, as one should be under the care of the camp and the other go to where appropriate, so that the two are alone many times. Furthermore it is worse if it is discussed, because there is no one to mediate, the blame is always on the other. At least you can distribute weight and it is not very difficult to go at the same pace. Three are also few because in the case before, will one always stay the person, which is a problem. If there is fighting, one can mediate, but how bad would that be put according to one and leave the other pulled. You see that I insist on the issue of fighting; It is not that we are all day of fights, but there are many tough situations in which discrepancies arise.



April 11th

