Robo Foundation Vegas
A new platform created by musicians, the theft Foundation, proposes a collective artistic adventure and, above all, outraged. The first musical contribution is signed by Nacho Vegas and already you can download free on the Internet. Barbets, ungainly, fond of modest melodies – Spanish guitar as a single company-, almost blank eyes, extreme message so remembered probably Los Planetas to those representatives of the song protest of the seventies when in 1999 published a theme which warned, not without some sarcasm, that genre threatened to return if someone cannot be resolvedThey apostillaban. But things change. Twelve years later it is precisely Jota, the soloist of that band from Granada, who, along with his training parallel group of experts SolyNiev prepares its accession to the Robo Foundation, a project which advocates write another type of letters, open Windows and take a look at what is happening outside. The crisis, violence, corruption and the political discontent are in the sights of that outraged platform Nacho Vegas has already provided that one of their songs: how to crac. This already can be downloaded on the network and will be included in your next minialbum.
Singer-songwriter does not rule out periodically publish new songs for moments of urgency within the framework of the Foundation. It is not the only one. The project, which blasts from his manifesto against a Spanish musical scene that has always had a tendency to look at the navel, already boasts the support of musicians such as Tarantula, Los Carradine, Tachenko, rocket, Wild Honey, Giorgio Bassmatti, Mursego and, of course, their precursors: Roberto Herreros (Grande-Marlaska), Karlos Osinaga (Lisabo) and Joseba Irazoki (Atom Rhumba). After the musical contribution of Nacho Vegas, the next installment could come signed by Tarantula. The Barcelona trio guarantees a cto with a version coup country of the theme of Eskorbuto is a crime. It is time to put in common the frustration and turn it into political power (). Better together on the street to continue alone at home insulting the telediario screen, cries from his web project theft. Source of the news: Nacho Vegas, Tachenko, Tarantula musicians want to return the song protest