Spanish Television
In summer it is impossible to restrain the desire to know and to know of the children. Those vacations in which it seems that the learning process is interrupted, are ilusorias, imaginary, since the children never stop learning, and not only learn things related to the nature, the summer period, the trips and the sports, that are what in principle it seems more logical and natural, if not that learns on any subject that creates curiosity to them, or something that reads in a dominical one, which they listen in a conversation or which they see by the television. In this occasion I want to speak to you of how the television is a fantastic resource to wake up the interest of our children by some subject, and as we can support that interest combining it with toiletschooling. At the moment they are emitting in Spanish Television the series " The Tudor" on the life of Enrique VIII of England, paradigm of the totalitarian monarchies of Europe, with anxious political life, military and sentimental (the series is classified like not recommended for minors of 13, 15, 16 or 18 years according to the countries). My son greater and am seeing I it, and creates multitude of questions on the other hand, as well as commentaries by mine, since they change to many things when novelar history for the television, change personages, dates, events, etc. I saw Him so interested in the subject that I resorted to a page of printable material in English where you can unload educative material on this real dynasty, and put something of basic information on as they arrived the Tudor at the throne, whatever lasted its dynasty, on the reign of Enrique VIII and a genealogical tree of the family, so that it helps him to orient itself, and I stuck everything in the bathroom, since he is doubtless that any thing that is put in the bathroom causes you watch that it you read, it, etc (it would be necessary to make a study on the magnetic power of any thing written in a bathroom).