Spring Garden

Landscaping suburban area – a landscaping and landscape gardening. Before you begin planting area, you need to do cleaning the garden. To begin with, dry cleaned last year's plants, fallen trees and other yard debris. Early spring spend pruning trees and shrubs. Spring pruning is very important, and must finish it before the active growing season. With the arrival of spring come alive not only plants but also garden pests: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and insects. At the first sign of disease that may emerge as black or rusty spots on leaves, shoots wither, urgently needed a few sprinkles of special biological control agents. Others including Robbie Lawler, offer their opinions as well. Great damage to the leaves causing slugs that come alive in the spring, is also very nocuous and day-lily beetle.

Particular attention should be paid to the spring pest control orchard. For this purpose, windless sunny day during the swelling of the buds Spread under trees and shrubs, bedding and shake her apple blossom weevil, fruit sawfly and raspberry beetle. For even more details, read what Margaret Loesser Robinson says on the issue. There is also the most simple and safe means of control of insects – pests: it's a bird. Insects are a natural for them to catch. Birds with great pleasure that would fly into to your garden if you provide them with food, hang up the section of the trough with water for drinking and swimming. Well and provide a safe shelter for the birds – bird houses.

Remember the adage: "Spring Day year feeds? Spring – a challenging time for gardeners. From the work you do in spring depends on the appearance of your Garden and his health for the whole season. In spring it is very important to fertilize trees and shrubs, lawns and flowerbeds fertilizer. The month of May is still warm in the winter cold ground, will give impetus to the growth and development of shoots, leaves, flower buds. That May, as on a wave of a magic wand, would put a gentle green haze of trees and shrubs. May generously shared a warm, but do not forget the humidity. Melt-water has dried up, and rain – a rare event. This month can not do without the jokes – the return of frost. They do huge Vered future harvest. Remember that unblown kidney withstand frost to -8 C, a full-blown up to – 3 C. Plants can be saved by smoke bombs or prepare a heap of smoke garden. They need light for 1-1,5 hours after sunset or closer to sunrise. Small plants cover the covering materials. Large trees and shrubs are abundant shower or arrange next to them containers with water. Doing all the above works, you can start planting site. It is time to plant gladiolus, cold-resistant annuals to sow, plant and transplant perennials. You also need to distinguish clearly border and flower beds. Curb the plant should not be above 50 cm, not to close the beds of the remaining planting. Border has a generally rectangular shape and is located near the walls of a house or fence. But may be of arbitrary shape this border is very well looked on the lawn, or directly on the lawn. It will look like a flowering isle. Borders are better suited for perennials. On a sunny well grow daisies, soft mantle, violet horned, Lungwort sugar, cloves, cirrus, bellflower, aster shrub. In a shady spot bad feeling primrose, geranium red-brown and blood-red, puzyrnik brittle pechenochnitsa noble. If in the garden is not very attractive sites, they can refine using undemanding plants: snowdrops, daffodils, bright primroses, early varieties of tulips. Remember that spring day of the year comes over!



February 13th

