
According to the KBV everyone should 08.10.2009 now in this year his Heidelberg fourth of nearly 150,000 doctors in such studies involved – to the Frankfurt General newspaper the Board of Directors of statutory health insurance physicians Confederation Carl heating Muller says that he was very worried. The KBV, consumer advocates, cashier and policymakers called for stricter rules. 85,000 times doctors had participated in 2008 in one of the 329 studies, 2009 has increased the number of participating doctors to five percent. In these studies, which have long been controversial, doctors observe the effect of new funds to their patients very often, without their knowledge. Frequently ??-???? has said that publicly. Such a doctor will receive 10 to 1000 Euro for each participating patient, says Muller. That often lie about the documentation and training costs, that a doctor should allow refund. The manufacturer had achieved approximately one billion euros turnover growth with appropriate remedies.

According to the KBV should now this year every fourth of the nearly 150,000 doctors in such Studies involved, multiple entries as individual cases in the statistics were received. through. Author Jutta Schutz informed also on their book tour with Wolfgang Fiedler about the connection between doctors, scientists and the pharmaceutical industry: the relationships between large pharmaceutical industries and scientists are often not to understand for the layman. The leading employees of corporations are not stupid, it are trained food scientist, the studies for the most part and distribute reports in the media, what are supposedly healthy or not healthy. San Antonio Spurs describes an additional similar source. Do this, because the profit counts more than health. The truth is obscured and there are scientists bought, faked studies or manipulated and unloved facts concealed. Most doctors know about this approach and many physicians still don’t care. John Rengen was top salesman in the pharmaceutical industry for 30 years and in this time, it was among his responsibilities, bribing reviewers to get the approval of new drugs.

In the With Jo Conrad, he told interview that only aware he was, how dangerous is this technique used in the pharmaceutical industry and can eventually affect your own health as his son should be vaccinated. Source: artikel1002139 company information: Jutta Schutz was born in Saarland and their professions are: Secretary, accountant, tour guide, author writer and journalist, and lecturer (VHS). In addition, she studied psychology.



March 22nd


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