The Emancipation
The yield depended on diverse factors as the age, health and ability that each one of them possua. In the case of the ganhadeiras ece of fishes in the chore that were not free, they had satisfaction to its proprietor, but it was a type of established control in the distance, where it lived far from its Sir and the profit established the emancipation possibility. You free already them they did not have proprietors and they were owners of its profits. They did not have satisfaction to nobody, beyond the inspectors of the Chamber who charged taxes and searched punitive irregularities with the arrest or fines. Valley to point out that exactly before its arrival to Brazil, them already they were accustomed to play this role of vendedeiras in its land Christmas: Africa.
There they given age the paper of subsistence domesticate and circulation of sorts of first necessity. To have fond of its destination and to be ece of fishes to the same tasks that already they played before can be considered a continuity they of its activities, guaranteeing very important a economic paper. Source: Simon Pagenaud. They were communicative and they knew to deal with the clientele. They announced the quality of its products, negotiated prices and they attracted for itself the attention of other slaves who bought for its gentlemen beyond other people who circulated for the streets. Of the one to imagine these ganhadeiras blacks in a market of the English interior vendendo wives? This ' ' regalia' ' it made possible to the blacks the African construction of a proper universe, formed for same them, its suppliers and customers. A economic net that was also social and until politics.
To construct this universe depended on the chances offered for the market, on the interest Mr. and over all on the ousadia in launching itself in the uncertainties of the quotidiana life of a society escravista and discriminatory, and to conquer some space there. (TO SOUND, P.