Word About The Artist. Vyacheslav Evsa
As in the old, forgotten childhood story, we enter into the pictre of the Krasnodar painter Vcheslav Evsy. His wor is drawn nostalgically to the past of the Kban. Bt it is not interested in ethnographic athenticity of the artist. story, he creates a mythical space that inhabits the cheap poplar figres of the Cossacs and downloads, bsy with their rotine chores. Rral Kban replaced by rban bildings and familiar Cossac hts acqire a fantastic obli.Iz late twentieth centry we are transported to the beginning, in an idyllic world in which man lives with natre in the same rhythm. People here natre, bt natre is hman.
And still lifes Evsy – not becase of life today: delicios bowls, vintage vessels, even frits and flowers aristocratic, fll of prod dostoinstva.Vpolne logical elements of srrealism in the fairy tale of its paradoxical natre bring to the canvas easy hmor, ind smile. Creativity V. Evsy, evolving in line with post-modernism – it is also a reflection on the art of old masters. Disposition of Pieter Bregel the closest Krasnodar artist. Bt, nlie his a great teacher, he refses to grotesqe.
His world is a lyrical, almost intimate. Painting techniqes sed by the va Evsa, traditional for the Kban. Fortress shape lessirovochnye mltiple layers, warm brown color create a niqe flavor of a qiet life. Artist bilds a small niverse, whose name – Kban.