Zeco Farm

It outside contracted to look at the farm more and nothing. The master could find bad. The time was passing. Zeco was only inside of house attending television. It heard music. Of time in when it left house and it went to take a walk for the yard.

It went to take a walk in the neighborhood. It went for some botecos that existed for the roads. It did not make nothing absolutely. The weeds, with this started to grow. The pigs had died all, many cows also they had died. The hens if had finished all.

The problems of the farm had increased as much that Zeco almost nor could arrive in house. The weeds did not leave. – This master must have left somebody to clean the farm – he said. In the truth the farm completely was abandoned. While this, to Zeco the time did not pass. How longer year! The master did not give notice. The money alone would be paid in the end of the contract. It would have that to wait. The time passed. The year if completed. The master did not come. Zeco it was tiririca. How it is that the master made this with Zeco? A man serious, honest. This master was good people? He did not seem. He does not fulfill the contract. Zeco it thought a mount of things, when suddenly the master appeared. The poor person of the man was horrified when she saw state where if it found the farm, product of its entire life. Total abandoned. It was not obtaining not even to enter in the house of the farm. He cried out well strong for the foreman of the farm: – Zeco, Zeco – where you are? Zeco to this hour of the afternoon was sleeping most beautiful sleep.



September 17th

