Abguar Bastos
Amongst its workmanships, Jose Ildone published, in the sort poetry, Tiradentes: Blood Spilled for the Gold of the Freedom and I sing in the Field (1974 – 1 place in the Competition of Military Policia of the State of the Par, university level and 3 place in the I Festival of Music and University Poetry, respectively); Soil d? Water (1979 – Vespasiano Prize Branches, of the Academy Paraense de Letras, sort poetry; reading in the 1989 vestibular contests the 1991); Moons of the Time (1983); Romanceiro of the Cabanagem (1985); The Hour of the Rooster and Trilogy of the Exile (1987). In it chats, the vigiense writer produced: History of the Official Press of Par (1985); The Return to the Caves (1989? folhetim, 48 chapters, published in the weekly supplement ' ' Here Belm' ' , of the Periodical the LIBERAL one); Native Maria (1989/1990? folhetim following, interrupted for the Collor Plan); Introduction to Literature in Par (1990? co-authors: Clvis Meira and Acyr Castro); Slight knowledge of History of Vigia (1991). Regarding the poetical one of Ildone, more specifically concerning Soil d? Water, Abguar Bastos (apud Meira, Ildone and Castro, 1990:231) described thus it: Its talent and its goldsmithery to vocabular not only illuminate: Poet of race, here it is there. Rhythm in the cadence of the tambores. In if treating to lands and seas, cadenciadas sensations of waves … the poetical jewels are many …. The Saga of the Vigilengas rescende to the alegorias of the Mediterranean epics. It goes to the classic-gongrico, in a flashing …. Still concerning the production of Ildone, the academic gaucho Lothar Hessel (apud Meira, Ildone and Castro, 1990: 231) affirms: ' ' Telluric poetry, of this marajoara polimorfo, reflecting very of close the ambincias it great valley, but also transmutando itself for dom of the great poetry, mark of well little people of what people pensa' '.