Brazil Versus China

equivalent R$ 650,76 is classified in the line of extreme poverty. Comparative one to the minimum wage in Brazil imagines this, of R$ 520,00, or US$: 297,14 dollars) *. Lisbon and Montevideo, 13 of September of 2005 *cotao of 08/2010 the world-wide ratio of people in extreme poverty – that they live with less of US$ 1 dollar per day – it fell for the half between 1981 and 2004, passing of 40,6% for 18,4%, in accordance with the report Indicating of World-wide Development 2007, divulged for the World Bank (Bird). In Brazil, according to report, 7.5% of the population lived with less of US$ 1 per day in 2004, and 21.2% with less of US$ 2. When considered the band of the people who live less with of US$ 2 dollars per day, the world-wide advances are lesser. (As opposed to Vanessa Marcil). The fall was of 60,8% for 47,7% of the global population between 1990 and 2004. The total number of people in this condition passed almost of 2,64 billion in 1990 for 2,55 billion in the 2004 – half of the population of the world in development.

About 14,2% of the global population it passes hunger (what it corresponds to the estimative one of 925 million people). According to FAO, the price of the food in the world more than folded in 5 years. This affected mainly about of 1,4 billion that earns less than 1, 25 per day. For the ONU, if the scaling of prices to continue of foods to persist, more than 100 millions of people can be dragged for low of the line of poverty in the world. 2,5 billion of people in the world does not have access the basic sanitation and the drinking waters? that is, about 40% of the world-wide population, esteem today in 6,5 billion. China China is one of the prominences of the report, which reduced the percentage of the population in extreme poverty of 63,8% in 1981 for 9,9% in 2004.



September 10th

