Caetano Veloso

You already stopped pra thinking that malabarista or engolidor of fire that if presents in a traffic light can be a great artist? Whenever I can, I look for to appreciate the diverse manifestations of art that walk hidden for our city (I am magical and I live in So Paulo). Taste also to observe the reactions of the people who are boarded for the artists in diverse environments where the performances is carried through. I always say that the applause is the food of the artist. But obviously we cannot only live of compliments. Before everything, to applaud a performance the necessary spectator to recognize the executant as an artist.

Unhappyly we do not have the culture to appreciate and to recognize the street artists as ' ' verdadeiros' ' artists. In countries of the Europe, for example, the street art is very divulged and recognized. The people stop to appreciate the artist and, in case that they like it show, they pay what they find that it deserves. Here the people find that the artist is asking for almses. knows what it is worse? Most of the time it is same asking for almses. They only see the following one example: it has some years the city hall of So Paulo made a show with the great Caetano Veloso in the center of the city to commemorate the anniversary of the capital. In the esquina of the Ipiranga avenues with They are Joo, the show consisted of the presence of the musician and its violo.

The public was enormous and the show was unquestionably excellent although the light rain that fell. The parallel that I want to make is: why the excellent violeiro of the square of the Republic is not applauded with as much vehemence? It has proper musics, and is good. It will be that the reply she is so obvious? The malabarista and the violeiro of street are not seen as artists.



January 23rd

