George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw – great English dramatist, one of the founders of the realistic drama of XX century., A gifted satirist, humorist. His work is enjoyed in our well-deserved reputation and is a general interest. In our A whole literary work of the science of Bernard Shaw. (As opposed to Tony Parker). Its foundations were laid by A. Lunacharsky, and was deeply sympathetic interest in the search, the contradictions and creative originality of the writer. For Recently, Soviet scientists have protected a number of doctoral and master's theses about the work of Bernard Shaw and published several books, including thoroughly commented that letters of playwright (1971), his comments about the drama and Theater (1963), book, AG A model of his theatrical and director's work (1974). Deserves great credit who have written about the work of Bernard Shaw Soviet researchers Anikst A., P. Balashov, II Kantorovich.

A few books dedicated to Bernard Shaw, his dramatic method, and its influence on English and European theater, AG Obraztsova. In England, the name of George Bernard Shaw is in line with the name of William Shakespeare, although he was born to show for three hundred years later than its predecessor. Both of them made an invaluable contribution to the development of the national theater in England, and creativity of each of them became known far beyond their homeland. After experiencing its highest peak in the Renaissance, the English drama has risen to a new height only with the arrival of her Bernard Shaw. He – the only one worthy associate of Shakespeare, it is rightly considered the founder of modern English drama.



February 1st


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