The control next to the human being, about the life, that is physicist, is the feelings the Feelings is capable to transform, dreams realities and futures. One of the things that the man has of more value to express its feelings is music. Musics have as much power, that it obtains to attract or to repel people. Musics exist stop: Gotten passionate, Amargurados, Happy and sad, Of incentive or I discourage, Louvores and Adorao. The machine Human being dances the compass of music, and the mathematics of the heart. We can sing for being glad, or Ouviz it to cry when to music it brings the souvenir sad moments. We can sing for being gotten passionate, or Ouviz it to cry a jealousy. We can Sing to thank or to attract the Peace. Who more only can choose the radio that its body goes to syntonize is you yourselves. Then is the question Which is the music that you want that its body has touched Today?