National Theaters

the ANC and the Ministry of Education and Science – to develop and approve educational institutions – from kindergartens to high schools – special programs history of ethnic relations in Kazakhstan, about patriotism. Also, the ANC together with the Ministry of Culture commissioned to create a series of feature films for young people, revealing the themes of tolerance and harmony in Kazakhstan society. Under the auspices of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan to organize a Festival of National Theaters. On television, to be released a series of programs of prominent representatives of various ethnic groups who contributed to the emergence of a new Kazakhstan. " There is an attempt to write history, rather than to describe. In similar style, an attempt to abolish the class basis of the celebration of May 1 and are engaged in Russia, has been renamed several times and it never reached the ground the result of unity of society, which is quite natural, since the class of antagonistic contradictions, from a scientific point of view, basically anyone and never will do it. It would be appropriate to note that celebration of May 1 has even deeper roots, and events in Chicago were simply an attempt to give a similar well-known since prehistoric times, the Jewish holiday of "Easter", the class character, universal standards behavior of people and their morals were formally reflected in the relevant precepts of Talmud (and later the Old and New Testaments, and later even in the moral code of the builder of communism), but never, even during the socialist era in Russia, especially in its final stages, were not fulfilled by the ruling classes.



August 9th


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