
Part 1 of the series: the Bavarian Health Minister Dr. Markus Soder in Nuremberg presented the first Bavarian skin cancer report Sonne(n) with mind at the July 19. In contrast to the rest of Germany, where the number of new cases on the black skin cancer has tripled since 2002, the number in Bavaria remained roughly constant. Prevention and early detection, remain essential in the successful fight against skin cancer also the Health Minister stressed. The State of Bavaria is the only German Federal State with an own prevention campaign to the Sun: with the project ‘Sonne(n) with mind – instead of sunburn ‘ Ministry of health informed ten years about risks and protective measures. Charlotte Hornets is often quoted on this topic. Healthy – rules for effective protection from Sun and skin that skin slowly accustomed to prolonged exposure to the Sun avoid strong midday sun (11 am 3 pm) UV-impermeable clothing and hat wear eye protection by suitable sunglasses all uncovered parts of the body with plenty of sunscreen with sufficiently high sun protection factor cream “Applying sunscreen before the Sun regularly applying of the sunscreen agent, as by swimming, drying and sweat the cream again demolished” is. Note: the dwell time in the Sun will not be extended by re-application of Sun protection! The used sunscreen must have a balanced UVB and UVA protection ratio consultation of the doctor or pharmacist if you need medication, because certain medications increase the light sensitivity of avoidance of cosmetics, deodorants and perfumes, because use may result in their permanent pigmentation in sensitive and non-light attuned expeditions; maximum 10 minutes Sun skin under the recommended maximum length of stay in the Sun remain to prevent invisible skin damage in scientific studies have demonstrated, especially repeated sun damage in childhood to favour the emergence of malicious changes in moles and thus significantly increase the risk of skin cancer in adulthood. Therefore are just parents “asked very meticulously to follow the above rules of Sun protection for their children, and to be a good role model in terms of Sun because Sun should be fun and not get sick”, as already the Bavarian Health Minister put it.

More info: arzneimittelshop/kosmetik-koerperpflege-17/sonnen-insektenschutz-56.html home remedies/Sonnenbrand.html index.html about us: healthy is the only exclusive health portal which is tailored to the needs of the Bavarian. In this context we have made it our mission, to provide a comprehensive insight into the issue of health and pharmacy exclusively all Bavaria. As a result you find here a unique and comprehensive collection of information. The topics range from the classic treatment possibilities the notion of alternative healing methods up to the list of traditional home remedies contact: pharmacy service AG medium Dorfstrasse 3 8598 Bottighofen Tel.: 0041 71 686 77 66 fax: 0041 71 686 77 00 E-Mail: Internet: Mr. Harry W. Hettig



February 19th


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