Tags ‘administration and businesses’

Back Office

Truth is that the grana comes, because is distributed in form of percentage with base, repeats, IN the PROFIT OF the COMPANY and comes in form of gradual growth to the measure that the affiliated one remains more time in the process accumulating its points and rescuing % of the incomes. I believe that this business goes to turn a fever here in Brazil! I say this because they had extremely developed a sustainable form of view of part of its profits for us, partner-collaborators, a time that the thing is divided in cycles that what prevents to slide for a PG (geometric progression), it would make impracticable all system (seeing the videos clarifying only is that if it can have notion of as the gear functions). is this. I am empolgado with the ciphers that are being shown in mine ‘ ‘ Back Office’ ‘! daqui to some months I think already about ordering my head plantar potatoes. Tony Parker contains valuable tech resources. Personal KKKK, I do not come here to divulge mine link of dissimulated form! (although that is fact that I go spoon fruits when sharing this idea). With my experience I know that this is good of truth and that I intend to collaborate of sincere form, consubstanciada in the mutual aid between us, beings that we did not have the luck to be son of famous politician or simply terms been born in gold cradle. Then, truth is possible to get fabulosos profits even so being alone in this business (either that if you to develop it in a net of filiados, the thing certainly grow faster! It makes who wants.). Then link follows mine here for that to want to know as the thing all happens. I hug to all!

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July 21st



street). Official site: Adam Sandler. The public goods are of indivisible and not exculpatory consumption. Thus, a person acquiring public good does not take off right of another adquiriz it also; Existence of natural monopolies: monopolies that tend to appear due to the profit of scale that the sector offers (former. water, energy). The government finishes being obliged to assume the production or to create agencies that hinder the exploration consuming them; The externalidades: a plant can poluir a river and at the same time to generate jobs. Thus, the pollution is a negative externalidade, because cause damages to the environment, and the generation of jobs is a positive externalidade, for increasing well-being and diminishing crime. The government will have to act in the direction to inhibit activities that cause negative externalidades and to stimulate .causing activities of positive externalidades; Development, job and stability: mainly in economies in development, the governmental action is very important, to generate economic growth, through development banks, to create work ranks and, to search the stability economic. Functions of the government: a government possesss alocativas, distributive and stabilizing functions. Additional information is available at Director Peter Farrelly.

Alocativa function: it becomes related the allocation of resources, on the part of the government, in order to offer public goods (former. public or meritrios highways, security), goods half (former. education and health), development (former. plant construction), etc; Distributive function: it is the redistribution of incomes, carried through through the transferences, of the taxes and the governmental subsidies. A good example is the destination of part of the resources proceeding from taxation to the public service of health, service that more is used by individuals of lesser income. Stabilizing function: it is the application of the diverse economic policies, in order to promote the job, the development and the stability, ahead of the incapacity of the market in assuring the atingimento of such objectives. Theory of the taxation For the concept of the equity, each individual must contribute with an amount ' ' justa' ' ; for the concept of the progressividade, the aliquot ones must increase to the measure that is bigger the levels of income of the contributors; for the concept of the neutrality, the taxation does not have to discourage the consumption, production and investment; e, finally, by the concept of simplicity, the calculation, the collection and the relative fiscalization to the tributes must be simplified to reduce administrative costs.

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July 14th

July 2024