Tags ‘History’

Achaeans Achaeans

Paris, almost without thinking, gave the apple to Aphrodite, and returned to Troy. The problem was that the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen, was married to Menelaus, king of Sparta. But Aphrodite, in order to fulfill its promise, it helps to Paris to kidnap Helen and Odysseus of Ithaca, enforcing an oath of unity among the kings and princes of Greece, declared war on Troy. Menelaus, husband concerned, is anointed to bring to the city of Paris, his revenge. A fleet of over 1,000 ships under the command of Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, is organized to initiate hostilities. Jorge Perez is open to suggestions. Troy, who had expected the understandable retaliation, is preparing to fight. Ten years took the Achaeans conquered Troy. And in the course of the war, several events, each more deadly than the next, would undermine the forces of the two.

Achilles, the great Achaean warrior, dies from a wound in the heel caused by an arrow arc of Paris, just at the only place that did not protect his mother. Another great loss was the death of Hector and Patroclus, Achilles' dearest friend. Nine years' continuous continuous site of looting the neighboring towns of exhausting and bloody battles, the two sides exhausted. The gods had prophesied the destruction of Troy but the time left serious doubts in the hearts of the Achaeans, fighting almost for survival. With luck sometimes in favor of the Achaeans, and another for the Trojans, and even with the intervention of gods and demi-gods in the fight, only the genius of a different man, Odysseus, tip the balance: After moral catastrophe that meant the death of Achilles, invented a new trick: Order the right soldier Epeius build a large wooden horse as a gift and end of the war.

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July 6th


Sultan Ahmed III

Many tulips are associated with Holland, but their appearance there was relatively recent. The appearance of a tulip has a rich history: broken hearts, theft and intrigue. In order to find accurate information about when tulips do not have enough information and documents, but the evidence suggests, that you should refer to the 12th century. Perhaps they appeared in the region between southern Europe and northern China. It is known that the tulips – a very unusual flowers that dominate the hearts of men and women. Dutch tulip craze is best known, but these flowers have always been popular in other countries. In the 16th century in Turkey, then the Ottoman Empire, were grown and bred tulips. Suleiman I and his entourage are prized tulips more than all the other flowers.

And during the Turkish domination of the 18th century even began to call "a time of tulips", due to the fact that the tulip became considered a symbol of aristocracy, prestige and wealth. Then were invented fairly strict laws with regards to that landing and sale of flowers, namely the tulips. Under the rule of Sultan Ahmed III was forbidden purchase and selling tulips outside the capital, the Ottoman Empire, as it was a crime punishable by life and exile. While the flower valued higher than human life, and this is also reflected in the retrieved documents. In honor of the colors in the early 18th century, staged the first festival of tulips. He was taken during a full moon night.

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April 17th


Santa Maria

Thus, when it began to study in the agustiniano monastery of Santa Maria de Solsona, they would already live there in community enough more than the fifty resident monks of the year in which Arnau was born. Not only it studied ecclesiastical subjects and of the New Testament, but they would put to him to the current of the great new features of that one century, like were it, for example, that began to use the cursive letter in the frank writing because the visigtica fell in disuse. Also it was in that one century published the Calixtius Codex, that was the first guide of the traveller (1130) for the pilgrims that made the Way of Santiago. Contact information is here: San Antonio Spurs. Much of the advanced thing it had to that in century XII the sovereigns could not take part in the disputes between payeses and noble. Of there the necessity of the feudal pact that years before it had been made extensive by the church with the name of " Peace and tregua". By all means that his Ecard-Watch father was interested in that all children had suitable preparation for the war. Soldiers as mystical, whose men took part in the famous conquests from Almeria, Tortosa and Lrida among others, in a period were a family so in which where it is the cathedral of Barcelona still was a Jewish synagogue there, and still continued being two centuries more.

Catalonia had already constructed to countless churches and castles from high Pyrenean valleys to the Mediterranean coast. Soon Arnau would take brings back to consciousness that it lived in a strong nucleus of the country, as well as on which lived a time of total expansion by the many earth that gained the Muslims. HEIGHT OF CATALONIA AND " CASA OF BARCELONA" IN the s. XII The members of the noble Catalan lineage, soon Torroja call, in Solsona, actively participated in the recapture and repopulation of earth, beginning by the region of the Segarra, that extends to the south of the one of the Solsons. . Additional information at ??????? ???? ?????? supports this article.

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December 26th


Afro Brazilian Music

Summary: This article searchs to develop a reflection on the social reality of the slaves and its participation in the process that unchained music afro-Brazilian in the social context of sc. XVI? XIX, so that these knowledge are incorporated in Ensino de Histria. Through its contribution for the historiogrfico set, the historical and cultural research, intends to intervine in the process of education and learning, reflecting on the systems of repression constructed by the dominant colonial politics. By means of the analysis proposal, we will be able to prove the diversity of the conflicts in the escravista society, from an express multifaceted reality in this originated musical sort in Brazil, in the period mentioned here.

One defends here that the studies on the cultural alteridade of the African matrix in the history education become marcantes elements of representation of the imaginary one of the slaves in the desire to evoke its customs and traditions, beyond displaying the diversity cultural afro-Brazilian. Word-Key: Escravocrata culture? Education? History of music. Abstract: This article seeks you develop reflection on the social reality of the slaves and to their participation in the process launched the social African-Brazilian music in the context of the century. XVI – XIX, that only this knowledge is incorporated into the Teaching of History. Through its contribution you the whole historiography, cultural historical research and attempt you intervene in the process of teaching and learning, reflecting on the prosecution systems built by the dominant colonial policy. Through this analysis, we demonstrate the diversity of conflicts in the slave society, from multifaceted reality expressed in that music genre that originated in Brazil during the period mentioned. Cultural It is argued that studies of the otherness of African origin in the teaching of history become the most salient elements of the imaginary representation of slaves in the need you raise to their customs and traditions, and exposed you cultural diversity African-Brazilian.

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August 28th


Historical Cinema

Alcemar Oliveira Since its sprouting, the cinema reflects the moment social where it is produced. The first productions already brought notes of dither or dissatisfaction with the status quo, guarded or not, translating the perception of the producer who, such which the teacher with its baton, leads the accomplishment of the workmanship using its sensitivity and ideology. The society, complex that is, it supplies to the substance cousin cineasta, and this, in turn, transforms the social fact into a cinematographic workmanship. E, in the ample excellently social conception in fact, has of if including, the politician and the description, among others. History walks side by side with the cinema, and it folloies it to this as revealing form of the convulsions politics of a nation.

The context politician is presented in the cinema having obeyed or not it effective government: acting as propaganda politics, as the production of Leni Riefenstahl for the nazista regimen and of Carlos Borcosque, whom if it submitted to the Peronist orientation of the decade of 1950 in Argentina. In the inverse hand of the cinema as propagandistic agent of the regimen, it is a cinema ' ' marginal' ' , that one produced without support of the State, or on people it, or that they share of the same interests, ideological or not. As well as the conflict it is for the international politics, the insatisfao politics that if manifest in the society is for the said cinema ' ' marginal' '. the cinema before kept out of society if becomes one ' ' cinema poltico' ' , in antagonism to the state propaganda, more worried in propagating mazelas official. Century XX, the century of the cinema, was also a period of movements extremely authoritarian politics and that they had made of cineastas agents in charge internationally portraying and publishing the exercise of the State of exception.

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April 17th

April 2024