Traudel Reiss
Tenzin Palmo: go vibrant teachings for our times, edition steinrich 2010 after 12 years in a cave in the Himalayas, where the Buddhist nun, Tenzin Palmo focused on meditation and Buddhist teachings, back in the world, to make people participate in their deep experiences, as well as the resulting wisdom. And she has the rare gift, do and practical to convey profound teachings the listeners of their lectures. Tenzin Palmo, born in 1943, ordained as a Buddhist nun in 1964, became known worldwide through its twelve-year retreat in a cave in the Himalayas. She grew up in Europe, knows our language, our culture, our way of thinking, our weaknesses and strengths. Like hardly anyone she knows how a bridge to be between East and West, between Eastern spirituality and Western way of thinking. She can convey the traditional teachings of Buddhism understand full of vibrancy and a contemporary language. Also, it can do this deep teachings and concretely present, so that we our everyday life and its challenges achtsamer and sympathy can cope with on the basis of this assistance. Also their vision of Buddhism, of which shape women at all levels on an equal footing, is a key aspect of the book.