Heating System

A key part of any heating system is a boiler. He considered the heart of the heating system. Because no small importance is the selection of the equipment. Depending on the fuel boilers are of the following types: boilers solid fuel boilers Electric boilers gas boilers are wall and floor. First of all, they differ in material, material of the heat exchanger. Wall-hung boilers are copper heat exchanger. Their weight is usually not more than 30-40 kg. The presence of a copper coil limits the maximum power of 31 kW boilers up as copper as raw materials susceptible to burning-through at high powers.

Benefits boilers with copper heat exchangers are: light weight, compactness and ability to install in places with limited dimensions, full staffing – Wall boilers up to 31 kW have in their case all the the necessary components (pump, expansion tank, a security group, etc.). Outdoor boilers are steel or cast iron heat exchanger. Weight boiler with cast iron heat exchanger of 100-200 kg. Such boilers need to install additional devices (pump, expansion tank, a security group, etc.), take up some space. The advantages of boilers with cast iron heat exchanger is a long life. Steel heat exchangers are not so critical to shock and deformations.

They are 2 – 2.5 times lighter iron. But they quickly burn through in a higher degree of corrosion, which causes the condensate formed at low temperatures in the middle of the boiler below the "dew point". Period of service steel heat exchangers depends on the quality of steel, its thickness, operating conditions and ranges from 5 to 15 years.



January 16th


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