Meat Factories

That is why the meat factories bulk material is cooled, after which it surface formed a crust that prevents the development of harmful microorganisms. For long term storage, to the accumulation of raw materials, use frozen meat (and below-150S). For the manufacture of sausage products such Frozen meat is defrostirovaniya stage (unfreezing), and the seeking raw materials, the closest to their properties to the cooled. Defrostirovanie can carry air-vapor mixture, a liquid. With air defrost raw thawed at t = 0 …

+180 C and humidity up to 90%. After defrosting raw materials supplied to the Department of deboning and zhilovki, where special tables – Boning and zhilovki – separates the meat from the pulpy parts bones, separation of living, a separation of sorts. Here is a division of mascara on the cut. To extend the physical and chemical properties of meat (ripening) use 'mixers' with the addition of spicy-posolochnoy mixture. At using a block of frozen meat to grind it used 'BLOKOREZKI'. Block is loaded into a hopper and crushed blokorezki rotating knives or the guillotine method without defrosting.

Next, the meat after deboning and zhilovki (or grinding on blokorezkah) arrives at a fine grinding in the 'spinning top' or 'MEAT MINCER'. 'Tops' are provided with a set of grids with holes of 2 mm to 32 mm (most models), with a larger diameter (from 26 mm) used in the canning industry. Some models 'tops' (the Russian and European production) can shred the meat with frostbitten temperature to-120C. Pink color is achieved with sausage adding to the stuffing of sodium nitrite.



September 16th


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