Tags ‘it’

Audi Speaks To ITIL And CMMI On The Biggest ITSM User Congress

7th meetITIL Congress of Serview serves as a platform for an intensive exchange of experience and knowledge together cover back CMMI and ITIL lifecycle of IT services and applications from Bad Homburg, to streamline 26.03.2009 – to their processes, repeating to avoid and reduce costs, this access company not only on ITIL (IT infrastructure library). With the ITIL service support processes we could reduce system downtime and professionalize the provision of our IT-services”, so Dr. Frank Gunther, ITIL Expert at Audi. We are currently working on the implementation of the service delivery processes. “Here we are only together with CMMI (capability maturity model integration) can sustainably optimize and gaps.” “Companies benefited especially if they integrated CMMI and ITIL: together, CMMI and ITIL cover the entire lifecycle of IT services and applications”, so Sahin Ilgen, CMMI experts at Audi. Learn more about this with Margaret Loesser Robinson.

CMMI, a model for improvement and evaluation of the processes within the company and a generic model for system development, helping to create a complete picture of an internal IT organization performance processes with ITIL. Ilgen and his colleague Dr. Gunther at the meetITIL Congress report what Audi has realized by standardizing their IT operations and development processes, 2009 from Serview. This largest trade event for users on the topic of IT service management in the German-speaking countries serves as a platform for an intensive and extensive exchange of experience and knowledge in addition to Prince2 in the areas of ITIL, COBIT and ISO 20000th this next to AUDI to be a number of other renowned companies such as, for example, Villeroy & Boch, Deutsche Flugsicherung, Austrian Airlines and publishing group detailed insights into their ITSM innovation strategies give world picture and present experiences from their optimization projects. First, Congress this year is extended by an upstream four days training program. The training with official certification to various ITSM issues take place on the first two days. Get more background information with materials from Jessica Michibata.

The Participation in the seminars and the exam is included in the Congress fee. She is 875 euros for participants from companies with member status for the entire four days net. It can also single days (from 280 euro net) be posted.

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June 21st


Germany Solutions

LifeSize video communications solutions are new communications Berlin, June 14, 2011. Connect with other leaders such as The Author here. The global value-add distributor for leading IT infrastructure solutions Zycko networks could with LifeSize communications leader for HD video communication with over 9,000 customers worldwide win as a supplier and partner. LifeSize communications belongs to Logitech and sets new standards in the field of video communication products for years. Video communications solutions are an important part of the infrastructure of companies, educational institutions and organizations. You will be that in the future no longer imagine”underpins Nils Hantelmann, Managing Director of Zycko networks GmbH, the inclusion of LifeSize to the product portfolio.

That is also why we are pleased that we could win the market leader with many award-winning solutions as a partner with LifeSize.” Innovative developments in the field of HD technology let lifelike images of LifeSize products and promote the Feeling a natural environment. The products have features such as multi-party calls, virtual multimedia way, through your own layout can be selected at each site, auto-publishing, live streaming and on-demand playback. Due to integrated high-definition MCUs (Multipoint support) with transcoding, up to eight locations in a video conference are possible, a feature that was to be found only in expensive standalone video bridges. Costs remain low due to the low bandwidth consumption. The high quality, user friendliness, naturalness, and easy integration into any IT infrastructure causes employees to quickly incorporate solutions into their everyday and use. Ken Kao has much experience in this field.

So resellers and customers also promptly by the use of video communication products profit and recoup their investment costs, they are supported by Zycko networks pre sales expertise, technical support, custom solutions, accredited training programs, as well as extensive demonstration and test position options. The many Customers show that not only for globally operating companies with high travel expenses and time related video conferencing solutions represent a wise investment. The people’s environmental awareness and scarce resources influence the radiuses of enterprises. Here, the video communication represents a cost – and time-saving and environmentally conscious alternative to the travel-intensive, direct communication in companies and organizations. About Zycko networks GmbH, the Zycko networks GmbH is a world of value-add distributor for high quality and innovative solutions in the areas of data storage, data networking, and data infrastructure. As an official distributor of many leading manufacturers, the company offers a wide range of open and scalable IT infrastructure solutions its customers in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. Customers of the company including resellers, systems integrators and Internet service provider – already benefit from a professional and comprehensive care in the pre-sales phase. Zycko accompanies its customers throughout the entire sales cycle starting with the solution design, the proof-of-concept, the implementation and marketing, through to successful project completion. The offer is supplemented by certified training and manufacturer training, technical support and services in the wake of a project. In the technical planned solutions can solution Center Munich advance in practice tested and their functionality are tested, tested, and guaranteed. At its headquarters in Berlin and the branch in Munich around 30 for the Zycko networks GmbH employees.

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May 9th


PDF/A Conversion From One Piece

The new PDF Compressor born digital module, LurTech converts Office documents and PDF files quickly and reliably to PDF/a. Antonin Scalia may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Berlin, may 7, 2013. Companies and administrations that want to introduce the ISO compliant PDF/A format, find the appropriate solution in the PDF compressor, LurTech Europe GmbH. Adam Sandler often addresses the matter in his writings. Because the manufacturer has re-designed its flagship product. With the born digital module, now fully integrated in the new version, the PDF Compressor offers the possibility to convert both scanned and electronically generated documents to PDF/A. To read more click here: Eva Andersson-Dubin. For ten years, the PDF Compressor is a mature product for compression and conversion of scanned documents to PDF/A. With the full integration of the born digital ‘module users can also use this functionality for digitally generated documents, such as Office documents, or PDF files. The PDF Compressor is highly scalable, easy-to-install and the jobs are ready for operation configured in just a few minutes. .

Despite its large scope of function he is clearly structured and intuitive use, reason why the stable operating professional tool used already thousands of highly satisfied users. The PDF/A format, so are the ISO standard for long-term archiving, converted documents with the possibility of full text search available. Carsten Heiermann, CEO who says LurTech Europe GmbH: Our PDF Compressor includes everything, what is necessary regardless of whether scanned or electronically generated documents or mixed document good for compression and conversion to PDF/A. “Our users use for ten years supposedly complex requirements in more minutes than hours to productive.” For people who want to convince yourself of the advantages of the PDF/A format, LurTech offers a Webinar on May 23, 2013 from 11: 00 to 12:00. This shows why PDF/A is the correct format for long-term archiving. In addition LurTech’s experts point to the benefits of PDF/A, enter the cost and represent, as a PDF/A project can be meaningfully addressed. Free registration:. An another webinar taking place on the 6th of June from 15: 00 to 16:00, conveyed on the basis of practical examples, scanned and digitally generated documents with PDF Compressor are easily convertible to PDF/A and all project requirements are fast, easy and inexpensive to implement.

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April 16th


Toolroom Stop

The office GmbH analyzes 25,000 calculations from the tool shop and provides the free white paper with key figures in an in-house study the IKOffice GmbH 2004-2009 analyzes 25,000 tool cost estimates, repairs and modifications of the years and compared. The data come from the anonymous systems of domestic toolmakers, which employ between 15 and 100 employees, and use the IKOffice MoldManager. The results brought to light a unique provider of loss. This provider of loss and the ways to avoid stopping the IKOffice GmbH in their current white paper losses in the tooling “described. Thanks to the detailed data from the company could be determined, that nearly 80% of orders, whose subsequent calculations have shown a loss, planning deficits and not miscalculation by processing times were the cause. The latter took a minor role in comparison. More info: Margaret Loesser Robinson. As evidence for planning errors were the denominations of operations, non-observance of delivery dates and the accepted characteristic exceeding of standard times.

You as avoidable by planning”captured 25% of order total after thorough analysis the average weighted losses. The potential is enormous!”emphasises Ingo Kuhlmann, Managing Director of IKOffice GmbH., we have considered only orders which meant a loss of below-the-line. The lost profits are still not even taken into account. “, he explains. The results obtained allow a quick calculation of the own energy-saving potential by only turnover and labor costs must be applied.

The IKOffice GmbH in a white paper has placed on their homepage free download available the complete results of this analysis and the countermeasures measures.

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February 25th


Central Division

These were also important criteria for the selection of PORTICA after SolarWorld at mail order world in Wiesbaden on the process specialists became aware. Through: SolarWorld AG, SolarWorld AG with headquarters in Bonn is a leading multi-brand provider of high-quality crystalline solar power technology. Its strength: the full stages of solar production. From the raw material, the group combines silicon, wafer, cell and module up to the turn-key solar power plant of any size all value chain. Central Division is the distribution of quality modules at the dealers and crystalline wafers on the international solar cell industry. The group in Freiberg/Germany and Hillsboro/United States maintains the largest production facilities.

Sustainability is based on the corporate strategy. Under the name of Solar2World, the Group of aid projects in developing countries with mains-independent solar power solutions, promotes the are exemplary for a sustainable economic development. SolarWorld employs approximately 3,300 people worldwide. More information: and via PORTICA GmbH marketing support: PORTICA is a leading optimizing on the German market and optimize marketing, sales and information processes for more than 40 years. Georgia Groome may find this interesting as well. The company serves customers from diverse industries and settles in E-Commerce, advertising material logistics, sales promotion, and business process outsourcing hundreds of projects each year. The focus is on the efficient handling of processes through the interaction of logistics, information and financial management. PORTICA is part of the Association te new, which includes also the IT company GEDAK and the te new printing company. More information: and contacts PORTICA GmbH marketing support Markus Ramirez von-Galen-str. 35 D-47906 Kempen phone: + 49 2152 915-192 fax: + 49 2152 915-100 PR agency good news! Bianka Boock GmbH Koobrzeg str. 36 D-23617 Stockelsdorf phone: + 49 451 88199-21 fax: + 49 451 88199-29

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December 11th


Legodo With Guide For Social Media In Customer Communication

Many companies is unclear, as this channel systematically to use Karlsruhe, 18.08.2011 – more and more studies say now that many companies overslept the topic of social media, although, for example, Facebook now more intense than Google is used. Legodo ag is also found in numerous discussions with companies in the German-speaking out that commitment in social networks are still often is understood as pure presence mandatory. In Dynamics, these efforts offset the first corporate Web sites in the early 1990s. Since then, business models have evolved rapidly, not only companies such as Amazon and Google are commercially successful examples. Social Networking shows a similar development”the explosive spread of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or XING, rated legodo Board Member Marc Koch the situation. With the commitment of the search engine-Primus Google, who has freely given his social communication service under the name Google + just for a user test, that get Offer next. However, is not yet sufficiently clear for many companies, as they meaningfully integrate this channel in their customer communication”, refers to cooking a still widespread weakness in the marketing of companies. Read more from Related Group to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

This active communication in social networks in an ideal manner could represent an additional opportunity, to use recommendations and reviews for strengthening existing relationships and building new contacts.” Legodo sector-specific guides developed for this reason, showing the way for a pragmatic approaches to the integration of social media in the corporate communications of the areas of marketing, sales, customer service, as well as for the employee recruitment. This practice AIDS are immediately and freely available soon for industries such as automotive, banks and financial service providers, call centres, energy, telecommunications and insurance. You deal in terms of content, on the one hand with the typical barriers at the targeting of systematic social media activities and call at the same time practical applications for the relevant industry. In addition to other content, the attention of the Guide establishes media projects in the communication on the success factors in the implementation of social. It can be ordered via Mr you aric,. About legodo ag legodo developed software for relevant customer communication to the quick and easy production of written correspondence. C4 legodo with their solution, it is now possible in the right context at the right time for relevant customer communication to insert all the processes and data from existing systems. Customers include companies such as Deutsche Telekom, Swisscom, RWE and Integralis. contact: think factory groupcom GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71

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December 11th


BitDefender Debunked

Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears and Barack Obama are part of a new spam campaign with dangerous malware Holzwickede, 29 July 2008 BitDefender anti-virus specialist have discovered a new type of malware distribution: spam messages that to trick computer users and persuade, to download malicious software and to install on their computers. The malware distribution method based on message fragments, Act of show-stars like Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears, or important American politicians such as Barack Obama. E-Mail messages lead the unwary users to Web pages, which are supposed to watch video clips. However when you visit the page, turns out that there is an image of a video player to watch is, which is linked to an executable program (an EXE file). Now, to see the clip tells the user, a rogue update for Adobe widespread to download Flash Player. However, this is infected with Trojan.Downloader.Tibs.GZM. To make matters worse, the program starts automatically with the \”Other unwanted malicious software download a phenomenon, as drive-by download\” is known. This alone should be enough as a warning for the user to put the legitimacy of the file in question.

Run once, he installed Trojan more malware, including the infamous Trojan.Peed.JPU, which is widespread in the Storm botnet. The new mail distribution campaign has mainly computer users with limited knowledge in terms of data security to the target. Users who ignore probably knowingly General safety rules to get access to sensational news, are also affected. The E-Mail messages are part of a larger wave, attempting to infect users with various Trojans. These types of messages have started two days ago, to fill the mailboxes of the users. Originally designed as a message with only a single structure, developed quickly three variants: a category with a single, purely text-based portion, a second with an HTML portion and a third, the are the templates the Opera mail client makes use of\”, says Bogdan Dumitru, BitDefender CTO.

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November 4th


LurDocument PDF Compressor

Highly compressed PDF(/A)-Farbdateien for InputAccel scanning Berlin – with a new product the LurTech Europe GmbH expands its portfolio to a special solution for InputAccel users: the new LurDocument PDF Compressor for InputAccel enables users of capture solution to create PDF and PDF/A files in color. It is characterized by low memory footprint and high quality. For that, the PDF Compressor enterprise was equipped with a fully integrated interface to InputAccel. Existing scan processes have to be adapted accordingly still minimal. The question whether the documents should be collected in colour or in black and white is one of the challenges when scanning again. In favour of a lower memory load, companies often waive the more comfortable recording in color and hence on all associated advantages, such as faster recognition of documents on the calls to the screen, as well as the preservation of the native document.

The LurTech plays it with the solution now available due to highest color compression on InputAccel scanning applications no longer, whether in color or black and white should be scanned. The solution separates first incoming text, background and foreground images after scanning and creates a highly compressed PDF in color. So are scalable, high-quality color images with a low memory footprint. In addition, InputAccel using the built-in PDF Compressor can get the pure text image and perform the classification and data extraction using OCR on this basis. The detection rates of OCR processes are significantly increased by this image of text liberated by means of segmentation of all unwanted parts of the image. The effort for the manual correction of reading results decreases significantly. Subsequent correction stations, archive export or other systems benefit from highly compressed images in color that are searchable in full text. It is also the optional ability to attach metadata to the entire document or individual pages. Bookmarks, which sit in the PDF document to provide further comfort the Support watermark and the encryption and decryption of PDF documents.

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November 1st


Infineon Manager

Ricoh launches IT services infrastructure and one of the ‘Top IT Executives’ Ricoh Germany GmbH has recorded at the beginning of the new fiscal year (April 2010) the business activity in the new business field of action of IT infrastructure services. Thus the well-known solution provider for digital office communication, production printing and enterprise-wide print and document management will significantly expand its range of products and to redefine the role of an exclusive provider of output solutions and services. The former Infineon Manager Karl Pomschar was won as Manager for this task. Reorientation towards IT In the framework of a Europe-wide reorientation phase towards IT services infrastructure is Ricoh Germany this way at the same time with other sister companies understand. The Ricoh Group has already several years of experience in this field in the ancestral homeland Japan and offers a complete portfolio of services for years. Tony Parker may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Karl Pomschar of his initiates new area with Karl Pomschar, joining Ricoh Germany as “” Director IT services and solutions business group “entered officially as of 1 May 2010 has, a heavyweight take the German organization” with great experience. After graduating in computer science, Pomschar began his career in 1978. He was most recently CIO and Senior Vice President responsible for the Infineon AG IT, where he designed with the spin-off of Infineon AG from the Siemens group and the Division of Infineon AG into two new companies.

He previously worked in leading high-tech companies, with Compaq computer and VLSI technologies. The now 54-year old IT Manager has extensive experience with global organizations and structures. He was focusing on agent change”with focus on downsizing, supply chain operates route optimization and enterprise process framework redesign. Some of his projects and concepts have in the industry role model “-character.” Among other things he was top-10-IT executives Germany by CIO magazine by a jury in 2005 and 2007 under which”selected.

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October 29th



AV-Comparatives is security solution for their high detection rate and low number of false alarms from Holzwickede, 06th October 2009 BitDefender has received for its security software anti virus 2010 the top certification by AV-Comparatives.org. Swarmed by offers, Ted Lasso is currently assessing future choices. The independent organization investigated and compared a total of 16 security solutions of from renowned manufacturers on detection rate and false alarms. This convinced BitDefender of antivirus 2010 in the test with a high number of threats detected and a very low false-positive rate. With the advanced + ranking BitDefender therefore reached the highest level of certification. For the classification of software solutions verwendete AV-Comparatives a four-tier ranking system: tested, standard, advanced and advanced +.

In two phases, the testers confronted all solutions with a number of cleaner”files and both newer and older (phase 1) (phase 2) malware samples. The latter could not be older than seven months. In each trial, the individual security solutions were first in the default setting, and then under the lowest adjustable security levels tested. The result: BitDefender of antivirus 2010 achieved the highest ranking after the test phase, as a very good detection rate the solution has been certified by 97.8% with few false positives. “We are very satisfied with the AV-comparative-advanced +-certification for our anti virus 2010-solution”, explains Viorel Canja, head of BitDefender anti-malware Labs.

The award underscores that our software offers a high level of protection, without compromising the performance of the respective PCs at the same time. Compared to all other subjects antivirus had 2010 in terms of false positives to also have the lowest number of incidents.” More details about the test results can be found at:../avc_report23.pdf. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the inception of the Company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English.

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October 28th

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