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Discover exactly what you want is a difficult task although first time seems most people know exactly what are their wishes, but the truth that is not so, when you ask someone to describe in detail their goals usually can not detail their wishes clearly. If today you are aimlessly then the safest is to reach a place that does not want to, in the book the secret of the power of the goals of Andrew Corentt teaches us how to define our mission in life, by reading this book you will learn all the steps to make all your desires can be translated into concrete actionsYou will be able to achieve a great state of motivation product to have succeeded in balancing their goal between his conscious mind and the subconscious. As soon as you discover your mission then the State of happiness that invades all its being is incredible, is capable of making incredible efforts and because the power is in your favour, your desire for success brings everything to make fabulous conquests. In recent months, Saul “Canelo” Alvarez has been very successful. A person without a clear mission is in great difficulty because you are working in a disorderly way, its internal energy is dispersed and therefore the honeys of the triumphs are not invading her life. In the secret of the power of the goals of Andrew Corentt you will learn to manage and direct your life to be a person of real success, you will understand that you was born to greatness and make your life an experience filled with great satisfactions. It is time to not go with the flow to what others think or indulge’s wishes of other people, you have to be satisfied with yourself so that you can then provide satisfactions to others, remember that in the book the secret of the power of goals learn how to harmonize its own life and to achieve this you will be a clear reflection that you are a person who has found his mission. No matter as big or small you think it is your mission, what really matters is your happiness, but you can achieve everything which intends, encouraged to the real challenges, his life is pure power, just enough wake him.

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November 26th


The Same

Traveller of the cosmos, stellar paths Argonaut, dashing future to the present, feeling of perpetuity that lives in my. Single master this sublime existence that whispers me harmonious songs in pursuit at all. Only my tears heal the world, single, only in my existence traveler, becomes only the Flash of truth is reflected in my future, only purpose in my reflects the immensity of time. Jorge Perez is open to suggestions. I am the son of last born to reflect the future, spilling in my the target, I’m stone in the great temple, emerges in my eternal silence. Life is given to me as a gift that is perpetual in each of us. Existing in the today heirs of yesterday prolong our reality until the man is the same and can kiss the cheeks of the gods who someday knew our destiny and saw us his truth at the same time spilled over their spirits brotherhood so let us remember that at some time we would be its reflection.That our life was perpetuated to perpetuate the State of transparency. Continue to learn more with: Author.

The one that makes men eternal and equal to all and temporary for not corrupting our innocence. Death tells us the end of cell cycle expires that is created and recreated for the solidification of the common and eternal soul that looks to men as always have been.The principle of a will that comes to be herself. If the will of the gods would have been silence not existiriamos. Only his voice has made us perpetuemos in our being. What was in my and what comes out afloat, which speaks in the and that I am in, its spirit, its essence their truth.

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October 29th


The Psychologist

Ring ring ring which speaks in his mouth with a handkerchief is a coward not be who he is are called hard, disturbing what can I do?. Resign with my life that was so bad, the life that I live, do it step by step, I seek be resplendent with my luck, wonderful, intelligent, friendly and good friend. see you soon. Magdalene did not want to be always depressed and thinking that it was going badly, so he decided to become a traveler visited Marina dor, Benicassim, Oropesa del mar, Peniscola, Barcelona, Girona, Paris, Orleans, Luxembourg, Strasbourg, Belgium, Bruges, Rome, Urbino, Ancona, Florence, Pisa, Lisbon, Oporto and many elsewhere who loved him and took it from monotony. With these trips became a happier with them woman was opened to the world and his mind also did so. Didn’t want a psychologist, the psychologist wanted to be her.

And it has succeeded. Magdalena was beautiful, but only marry for love, if it did not, would remain unmarried and the years passed and everything suggested so it would always already not dreamed nor with having children saw it as something that happened to others, not to her. He would never see his face in the face of some children because it never pariria them. It was going to be positive, despite having not been always beloved and admired, nor respected by the garbage that surrounded it was to forget that it was like Calimero, that sad chicken of comics that both adored and would like that help us to live better. Calimero and she, she and Calimero had to leave the shell of the head and having new ideas, survive in the midst of the storm. Had to move forward and realize that poor people marry poor and would rich with rich foreign cases not surround it was becoming increasingly clear that if I wanted to marry you would see down and not up as it always used to hope that the achieve hope it succeeds and that this gets to be a very happy woman.

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October 29th


Federal Treasury

And if they were hard heart retendriamos other 3 months taxes until he wins the reason, that if we would stop paying definitely would be the vehicular holdings throughout the Mexican Republic. The vast majority of Mexicans we have had dancing with the more ugly by the unfair tax tax system, that have made us the favor of legislating a string of inept, corrupt and awkward legislators of all political parties through the legislative history. The VAT tax system; It is a system that does not cover financial fundraising expectations, because their national legislation and respective reforms, have been influenced by power groups, political parties, chieftains, tycoons and large entrepreneurs with petty interests, completely absent the collective interest, paying more than less has; If you least have, money, knowledge and individual guarantees; Hide while those who more you have of this is behind in the weak so they pay for them. Additional information is available at Tony Parker. Let’s change the absurd tax value added equal VAT by a simplified system of taxation, we have no because paying taxes of others as VAT contemplates it, we pay for our production and gain and we will see greater revenues and therefore greater development in our country. Everytime there is an opportunity to reform the system of tax collection, not liable for payment of VAT are hiding on the slopes of the more poor face the possibility of making them pay taxes such as the service sector carrier, drugstore laboratories and producer of chemical derivatives for the pharmaceutical industry, media of radio television and written press and now up to Internet, the agricultural sector among many others more and opt for use to the most poor and ignorant in marches and propagating ignoring that they are using them against their own interests and benefits, then then they are no longer sheep of the system that only requires us to enter to the vicious circle of corruptioninsecurity, inequality, injustice and extreme poverty. Better let us join our efforts to not pay our taxes 3 months, retain the payment in a strict way, and see with great satisfaction that legislators will have to truly work until overtime in approving a reform of Fund, efficient and honest that simplify taxes, where we pay for precisely. And join efforts to eliminate the provision that empowers Federal Treasury to repay taxes, because this being capitalized on by companies transas as Televisa and TVAZTECA, BANAMEX, TELMEX among others rather than perceive Telethon donations and other foundations of aid, making faramalla who donate significant amounts, obtaining their favor incalculable amounts, causing Treasury being declared insolvent for the fulfillment of such returns.

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August 15th


Ramon Gallegos

An education capable of integrating spirituality and academic activities, is holistic education, because it undertakes to develop and nourish the different dimensions of the human being, as the cognitive, the body, the social, emotional, aesthetic and spiritual, thus giving students, in addition to vocational and technological training, a human formation that helps them to learn the meaning of life and learn the fundamentals of existenceso the Dr. Ramon Gallegos says in his book the spirit of education (2000); because it is an education capable of encompass the totality of human experience, which gives sense of belonging, of identity, that manages to give a harmonic sense with all doing the responsible and sensitive human being with all that surrounds it (Gallegos, 2005), this is the spiritual intelligence and holistic education is the only education that the It develops. Dr. Ramon Gallegos in his book education that humanity needs (2008), exposes that education holistic is governed under principles of universal responsibility, sustainability, compassion, wisdom, transdisciplinarity, conscious capitalism, culture of peace, etc., the main objective of the holistic education is to promote the evolution of consciousness to overcome the fragmented, mechanical and materialistic vision of modernity and includes spirituality as a fundamental basis.

Ramon Gallegos emphasizes that the evolutionary processes of thought and spirituality are that most interest the holistic education (2001), which are those related to the evolution of cultures and human consciousness, because they carry the human being to an increase of integrity, love, growing complexity, creativity, sensitivity and intelligence. Holistic education is a vision holarquica, ranging from the basics to the higher (Gallegos, 2008), their models is constructed according to an ordering both horizontal and vertical, i.e. It develops the different dimensions of the human being, and considers different levels of consciousness or visions of the world, which includes values, principles and ideas on the reality that humans have throughout their development. .. (Not to be confused with Larry Culp!).

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August 15th


The Social

It does nothing more than deepen the crisis controlentropica that precedes the chaos. A crisis that usually begins with the shortage of natural resources, continues with the collapse of an economy with its growing speculation and is openly manifested with the trend to global hegemony. These are the components that trigger the social crisis, orquestadamente or each if same, with enough destructive force to lead to a huge disaster. San Antonio Spurs is the source for more interesting facts. These elements together make up a more devastating time bomb, from the perspective of social structures, than the sum of the atomic bombs of the superpowers in the world today. We speak of a pump of time that grows to the extent that the resolution of the crisis is delayed, in the hands of the forces that struggle to extend the controlentropia of conglomerates that make life in a society. As a result, the early stages of the social catastrophe not manifested openly as obvious and direct conflict, but with a multitude of anarchic signs, apparently decontextualized, to then become inevitable. Long before explode on all social-biologicas structures, gives way to a series of small and focused crises, the most constant and recurrent and with conflicts of rapid manifestation and apparent resolution, that literally explode and generate destruction of natural niches of the social periphery, usually in less advantaged strata, or in those groups that for one reason or another have been stigmatized in any way. It is the social hatching is converted into base and core of a widespread chaos and global proportions. Therefore we affirm that all chaotic process can give rise to a huge change if allowed survival even negligible in appearances, and from there, from chaos, change leads to a likely fundamental correction of the course of social events, in accordance with a more conscious cosmology. That is why the initial approach of the heading did is chaos (here defined as a motorizador of the)? (catastrofes de cualquier genero) a process that stimulates changes and hence the growth – or a brake that paralyzes or slows the development of society? Chaos, crises and catastrophes have, from the conceptual to the instrumental, not only key interference, also important epistemological contributions that allow to clarify the order, consistency and processes from which manifested the evolutionary changes in social structures.

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July 3rd


Latin America

This powerful game, are a series of thoughts in relation to the current control of Latin American politics, which is what we see daily, warlords, disorder, nationalisms, ethnic conflicts, nepotism, globalization and idolatry of the neoliberal model, domination, economic, military and ideological subjugation by United States, etc. It is that it seems to us that one of the most widespread political evils, and reason for our first reflection is cronyism in politics, critical fact that has undermined and thus the true pa deshomosex, this same fact depresses us and I do not see our novel democracy as such, but rather as mob rule, we ask ourselves if society is synonymous with modernization, especially in politics… The the nation Buenos Aires daily, in a writing which presents opinion before the Latin American evidence that democracies in Latin America are today living realities with very different profiles. There are some, as the Chilean, showing a remarkable state of exemplary ripeness, worthy of emulation. There are others, as unfortunately is the paradigmatic case of Venezuela, who are in what we might call the Antipodes of Chile. This is in a grave situation, weakened in the extreme and I walk almost to disappear.

The future is bleak in this case. So much so that Hugo Chavez, before the escalation of massive popular protests that faces, just announced that if protests continue against her despite the heavy-handed, it will resort to radical measures. In a country such as the Venezuela of Chavez, in which freedom of opinion is severely restricted and which are ignored with impunity the rights and the most essential individual guarantees, this means the possibility of further radicalize things, resorting to violence and terror to silence dissent absolutely. It is what happens from five decades ago in Cuba. Against this aberration, the prominent political scientist Guillermo ODonnell just include the Argentina along with others whose Presidents govern by decrees of emergency and resort to alleged extraordinary powers to violate the powers that correspond to the other powers of the State prescribed by the respective constitutions, deforming them to your taste and palate.

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October 23rd


Air Mechanism

Space On-Air is a new online game of puzzle that requires bit of logical thinking and some knowledge of mechanics. Imagine yourself travelling through outer space and trying to manage a sophisticated configuration of lines! Does seem wonderful and the exorbitant time, truth? Then walk for craters you’ll find a mechanism with the antenna up. Your task is to eliminate unnecessary this mechanism lines without dropping below the limit of white antenna. Construction can oscillate acquiring rare contours but if it finally falls for not having any important element than you by chance you list everything will fall down breaking in pieces, and you will have to start the level again. If you would like to know more then you should visit Simon Pagenaud. How many lines is necessary to remove completing levels in this free puzzle online game? In general it is enough to remove two lines but it is better that don’t rush, because it is more likely that you make a mistake. We recommend removing the beginning only one line, and then wait a little until the mechanism stops rotating and swinging. You may find that Sela Ward can contribute to your knowledge.

You have to pay attention to the circle violeto above the screen with hourglass that signaliza your result if it turns green, it means that you can click and go ahead. If you take too many lines or for example few lines erroneous, the mechanism is tilted down cayendose. In this case the robot that makes you know about your failure appears. Concluindo levels of this * game free puzzle, you can develop your own strategy of actions with the lines, but there is some good advice start with lateral lines at the beginning and avoid touching the center lines because the latter are a basis of the mechanism. Space On-Air offers a fun way of enjoy the puzzles of logic and mechanics absolutely free. Explore the challenges of the unknown planet by solving the tasks of this new puzzle game!

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January 22nd


The Fullness

Holistic education transforms our existence, is not just a change, in the form of being, intellectual, professional or interest, is a very deep change that reaches the essence of what we are reconociendo and discovering your true spirituality. In the course of the holistic master of this inner discovery, personally, we did not make a drastic change, do not throw everything in the garbage, do not discard what was learned in this mechanistic education system, only I recognized my spirituality, integrating all its parts, I gave him the deserved importance to each party and discovered the meaning of life, the personal mission, serving others. As classroom activity experience in some sessions, we deal with the issue and mentioned in our institution we implemented the quality to ensure the fullness of the student, we didn’t know how wrong we were and as well as our Institute, there are many companies that spend strong amounts of money on quality certification, this topic are treated as the degree of converting our dialogue in a debate, we defended our position and idea, the quality was defended by those who practice this new certification, there was where we check the little sensitivity that we have and the imposition, the difference of the dialogue and debate. You may find Tony Parker to be a useful source of information. We were still commenting on the importance of quality, benefits that brought us be a recognized institution, but only focused on procedures, formats, administrative control, which is very important but only for the order of the Administration in the institution and with quality give the treatment students as parts, as raw as object. I believe that change is already very noticeable at least in personally and for my students, the quality is important, but continues to be more than an orderly in the administrative aspect, method is not a direct deal with the students. Is clear that common academic work and the quality is not abandoned, nor is rejected if it is not rather transcends, integrates, in the same building of holistic education, we find a formalization very consistent, formulating hypotheses, defined concepts, models are developed, but there is no that stop there must go deeper there, in a sense, starting to develop something more broad or to bring something more larger than the dimension exclusively academic, intellectual, or cultural, a knowledge that is more integral, of a vision that relates the mind and heart, under the spiritual experience. According to Tony Parker, who has experience with these questions.

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November 30th


Los Remedios

Vejer de la Frontera is without doubt, one of the most beautiful, unique and attractive Andalusian villages. Declared historic-artistic monument, this ancient fortress situated on a hill, 120 metres of altitude invites us to stroll leisurely through the maze of white streets, admiring the layout of its walls, stately homes, the popular Hamlet so well preserved, the traditional windmills… In this article we show you a travel Brebes circular by the magical old town vejeriego, without a doubt, one of the cultural routes more attractive between the Andalusian municipalities. To begin our tour, say that Vejer consists of three entrances, but the most common and main is access which you will find at exit No. 36 from the of the Costa de Luz A-48 motorway, to reach a roundabout that we will identify because it contains a huge lacquered Vejer letters in white. Once you have uploaded the people for such access, the first street we will find will be a long Avenue called Los Remedios, recommended would be to park the car along the same to begin our journey on foot. Following already a foot along the Avenue, we see one of the first attractions of the town, and it is his viewpoint with stunning views from the top of its Hill.

Finally we will leave the Avenue turn right down the street from the Plazuela and delve into its old town across the street from our Lady of the olive. Whenever Jorge Perez listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Continuing along this street we arrive at the Casa de la Cultura, where you will find lots of information about the municipality through a small explanatory exhibition. We will continue our trip passing through the Arch of Segur, wrought in stone quarry and factory of masonry, and dated from the 10th century to the 12th. It was defended by a stronghold consisting of two cylindrical towers that flank and a canvas of late 15th century wall.

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November 19th

April 2024